For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”— Romans 12:4-5
Covenant Membership
Because church membership is a unique and special relationship, churches differ on how they engage in this relationship. In Holy Scripture, covenants govern God's relationship to his creation and man's relationship one to another. We believe, therefore, that Covenant Membership is biblically oriented and good for the church and her members. Covenant membership is a deliberate, intentional process for those who want a deeper, more meaningful relationship with this body of believers. You can find our Church Covenant here.
If you’re interested in membership at our church, email our pastors by clicking the button below!
Privilege & Responsibility
Some churches practice an open form of membership with little in the way of requirements or responsibilities on the part of the member or the church. The result is membership rolls comprised of the names of many who have little or no involvement with the church.
At Boone Trail, covenant membership is a relationship which requires accountability on the part of the church and the individual. We believe that church membership is much more than adding your name to a list. It is joining with others who share the same beliefs and goals and working hand-in-hand in the support and fulfillment of those goals.
Membership requires commitment from all involved. Our desire, through covenant membership, is to allow you to understand who we are, why we exist, and what we are becoming as a church family, and then ask you to commit to that process.
Covenant Membership is the conviction that each member shares a common purpose and belief structure. Covenant Membership is our mutual desire to safeguard the unity, share the responsibility, serve the ministry, and support the mission of Boone Trail Baptist Church.
Membership at Boone Trail Baptist may best be described as a partnership between you and the church. Together, we seek to encourage and support each other in our daily lives and lead one another in a deeper, more passionate commitment to our mission statement: Love, Connect, Serve.
The Bible describes the church as the body of Christ with each member being an important part of making the body function as it was intended. Each member has a place in our church family. As a church body, we can accomplish more together than we can separately. If you choose to become a part of Boone Trail Baptist, we truly believe, based on the instruction of the Bible, that God has a specific place and function for you here within our church family.
We'd love to speak with you and answer any questions you may have about membership at Boone Trail.